Brown Bag Session #2: Cities. Kampungs. Gecekondus
host: Dian Tri Irawaty (RUJAK)
Sunday, July 31st, 2016 // 10.30 AM – 13:00 PM // @ASF-ID Secretariate, Jl. Kotabaru 32A, Bandung // info: 0819-0826-6898 (Dette)
#1 Yantri Dewi – Socio-spatial mapping as a form of advocacy.
Jakarta government has several poverty alleviation programs that rely on demographic data at the Kelurahan (sub-district) level. However, the lack of genuine participation in data collection has caused mis-targets in the field. UPC (Urban Poor Consortium), with supports from UN Pulse Lab, runs a test for socio-spatial data collecting method, in three kampungs in North Jakarta within two months period. The data result is laid for community upgrading and kampung planning purposes.
Yantri is a trained architect from Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR) Bandung and finished her Master Degree in Human Settlements in KU Leuven, Belgium. Later experiences including ecological certification for buildings and volunteership for UPC. Currently, Yantri teaches at Matana University, Tangerang.
#2 Margaux Caboche – Istanbul and the architectural ingenuity of its settlement, Gecekondu.
The gecekondu is a habitat with qualities and spatial ingenuity which deserves recognition. The urban fabric of gecekondu forms ramifications and capillary networks where rights of passage and rights of use overlap. Boundaries between public and private are blurred. Gecekondu are also an infinite source of project elements and tools, more than a typology, it is mainly a phenomenon with singular adaptability.
In 2012 Margaux lived a year in Turkey and observed and studied gecekondular, Turkey’s informal human settlements. She graduated from the Architecture Faculty La Cambre-Horta, ULB, Brussels, Belgium (Master-2015) and did her Master 1 in Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul. Margaux lived in England, France and Belgium; she moved to Bandung to work with Architecture Sans Frontières Indonesia.