
Designing Responsible Tourism Through Sustainable Architecture


Impact Travel – Eco Tourism Talk:

“Designing Responsible Tourism Through Sustainable Architecture”

with ANDREA FITRIANTO – Architecture Sans Frontières Indonesia

Sat 25 Aug[masked] – 8.30 PM

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at Impact Hub Jakarta @ Coworkinc
WIMO Building 3rd fl
Jl. Kemang I no 7
Jakarta 12730

IDR 200k
inc. light meals

About Andrea Fitrianto:
Architecture Sans Frontières Indonesia (ASF-ID)

Andrea Fitrianto when not around in studio he often seen participate in community gatherings or engage in carpentry workshops in urban villages and in bamboo farms.

Taken for granted, we often downgrade tourism as equal to consumerism; catharsis for the working class. Alternately, being in a new place is about using your spare time, ideas, and creativity, and tap into social networks. One has to learn from the locals and the needy on what is in priority and seek for solution that is partially exists. Then we may add to it to make it more meaningful for many. From marginalised urban kampung to aspiring hinterland kindergarten architects work together with local groups to enhance neighborhood and community facilities.

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