ASFID - Tsunami 2018 En b

Tsunami Relief Fund – Dana Pasca Tsunami

Architecture Sans Frontieres Indonesia is mobilizing a relief fund for the next one month (until 3 November 2018) for the disaster that struck Palu and Donggala in Central Sulawesi. Our hearts go to those affected and we wish for a considered and speedy recovery. We are once again reminded of how nature can, and will, be a force that the built environment has no choice but to respond to. The time is now to consider for an architecture that advances resiliency and sustainability.

ASFID - Tsunami 2018 En
ASFID – Tsunami 2018 En

ASFID - Tsunami 2018 Id

Tsunami 28 September 2018 in Palu and Donggala area, Central Sulawesi. 

Architecture Sans Frontieres Indonesia mobilise relief fund.

Bank Mandiri acc. 130-00-1465467-0

Arsitektur Swadaya dan Fasilitasi SWIFT: BMRIIDJA

contact: +62-857-2758-9273 (Hani) home@asf.or.id

#SavePalu #SaveDonggala #PrayforPalu #PrayforDonggala


Tsunami 28 September 2018 di Palu, Donggala dan sekitar, Sulawesi Tengah

Architecture Sans Frontieres Indonesia menggalang dana pemulihan

Bank Mandiri acc. 130-00-1465467-0

Arsitektur Swadaya dan Fasilitasi. SWIFT: BMRIIDJA

kontak: +62-857-2758-9273 (Hani) home@asf.or.id

#SavePalu #SaveDonggala #PrayforPalu #PrayforDonggala



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